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Invitation Homes Probed Over Potential Illegal Construction
The SEC is investigating whether the home rental firm is skirting building requirements.
February 23, 2023
Invitation Homes (INVH), a single family home leasing REIT, is under federal regulatory scrutiny over what appear to be local construction matters. In January 2023, Invitation Homes received what it calls an “inquiry” from SEC staff requesting information regarding the firm’s:

“...compliance with building codes and permitting requirements, related policies and procedures…”

The disclosure was made in the company’s latest annual report which says the SEC is also investigating “other matters”.

We suspect the SEC may have learned of potential building code and permitting issues after the company’s eviction practices attracted federal attention.

In July 2021, DuDil warned Invitation Homes was under congressional investigation for allegedly kicking people out of their homes during the pandemic despite a national eviction moratorium.

Separately, Invitation Homes is also using an accounting change to improve reported performance. The company extended the useful lives of unnamed building components and improvements by 12.3%, reducing depreciation expense and lifting operating income.
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